Handshakes–Prana Simon

29 Jul

In Handshakes, the conscious effort is to make someTHING of a gesture, a convention, a courtesy, a uniquely human act across cultures.

Does making this act visible and memorable change its meaning?

Does it become a currency?

A declaration? A memento?

What do these concordes mean after the fact?

Must we create a ‘contract’ for people to shake to?…to give their assent and agreement to?

What would that be…something they decide or something they join?

Is the handshake a promise? What does the Past declare to the Present? and what does the Present promise the Future?

Prana Simon is interested in Arts & Ecology as an interdisciplinary field. She teaches subjects in both the arts and sciences and explores the expression of a concorde between them.

To see more:  http://cabinexchange.randomstate.org/mashow09/participants/pranasimon.html



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